If you were following last night's
unveiling of the Samsung Galaxy S3
and wondered how this new phone
differed from the Samsung Galaxy
S2 , hit play on the video above and
wonder no more. In it I explain the
top five things that separate the two
phones from each other. For those
that prefer reading, the main points
are below:
The S2 had a 4.3-inch screen, but
the S3 has a bigger 4.8-inch screen.
It's also got a higher resolution --
720x1280 compared to 400x800 on
the S2. The screen on the S3 is nice
and bright, and text looked pin-
sharp to me in the short time I had
with the phone. But despite the
extra half an inch of screen, the
phone itself isn't much bigger, which
brings me to...
The S3 is slightly heavier and slightly
thicker than the S2, but not by
much. We're talking an extra 17g
here and half a millimetre or so. It's
slightly longer and wider than the
S2, but again not by much. I think
it's a pretty good compromise to
make to get the extra screen size,
providing that's what you're
interested in.
The S3 has a 1.4GHz quad-core
Samsung processor, compared to
the 1.2GHz dual-core chip in the S2.
Samsung says this should make the
new phone significantly faster than
its forefather, but because the
technology has improved, the new
chip should consume significantly
less juice than the old one. That
means the battery in the S3 should
last for longer than the one in the
S2, or so Samsung says anyway. I'm
looking forward to testing that
particular claim out.
Extra features
There are several cool features
present on the S3 that the S2
doesn't have. A function that's
particularly impressive allows you
when you're texting someone, to
simply lift the phone to your ear and
the S3 will call them automatically.
Another is S Voice, which is a bit like
Apple's Siri, and lets you ask things
like 'what's the weather like today'
and the phone will go off and find it
for you. Finally there are loads of
camera features like 'burst mode'
that lets you take up to 20 pictures in
one go, and 'Best shot', which
selects the best pictures from a
series of eight.
This app takes your social feeds and
presents them like a magazine. Until
now, it's only been available for the
iPhone, but Samsung will be pre-
loading it onto the S3, and tells me
that this will be the only way you can
get the app on an Android phone
for now -- it won't be available in the
Google Play store, at least not
straight away.